This is about a hardware feature available in Intel and ARM
chips. The “feature” can be abused to achieve local privilege escalation.
CVE-2018-8897 – this is a local priv escalation – read and write kernel memory from usermode. Execute usermode code with kernel privileges. Affected Windows, Linux, MacOS, FreBSD and some Xen configurations.
To fully understand this, you’ll need to have some good
assembly knowledge and privilege models. In the standard model, Ring 1 and 2
are really never used, just Ring 3 (least privileged) to Ring 0 (most) (it is a
simplified view).
Hardware breakpoints cannot typically be sent by userland,
though there are often ways to do it in syscalls. When an interrupt fires, it
transfers execution to an interrupt handler. Lookup is based off of the
interrupt descriptor table (IDT), which is registered by the OS.
Segmentation is a vestigial part of the x86 architecture now
that everything leverages paging. You
can still set arbitrary base addresses.
The first 2 bits describe if you’re in kernel or user mode. Depending on
the mode of execution, the GS base means different things (it holds data
structures relevant to the mode of execution). If we’re coming from user mode,
we need to call SWAPGS to update to the equiv in kernel mode.
MOV SS and POP SS force the processor to disable external
interrupts, NMIs and pending debug exceptions until the boundary of the
instruction following the SS load was reached. The intended purpose was to
prevent an interrupt from firing immediately after loading SS but before
loading a stack pointer.
It was discovered while building a VM detection mechanism,
as VMs were being used to attack Anti-Cheat.. They thought – what if VMEXIT
occurs during a “blocking” period? Let’s
follow the CPUID… They started thinking about what would happen if they did
interrupts at unexpected times.
So, what happens? Why did his machine crash? Before KiBreakpointTrap executes its first
instructions, the pending #DB is fired (which was suppressed by MOV SS) and
execution redirects to where KiBreakpointTrap, which sends execution back to
where it *thought* it should go – kernel (though it had come from user mode).
Code can be found at, if you aren’t
passed, system will crash. Showed demo
of 2 lines of assembly code putting a VM into a deadlock.
They can avoid SWAPGS since Windows thinks they are coming
from kernelmode. WRGSBASE writes to the
GSBASE address, so use that!
They fired a #DB exception at unexpected location, and then
the kernel becomes confused. Handler thinks they are privileged, now they
control GSBASE. Now they just need to
find instructions to capitalize on this…
Erroneously assumed there was no encoding for MOV SS, [RAX]
only immediate. It doesn’t dereference memory, but POP SS does dereference
stack memory. BUT… POP SS is only valid in 32-bit compatibility code segment.
On Intel chips, SYSCALL cannot be used in compatibility mode. So… focusing on
using INT # only.
With the goal of writing memory, found that if they caused a
page fault (KiPageFualt) from kernelmode, they c ould call KeBugCHeckEx
again. This function dereferences GSBASE
memory, which is under their control…
It clobbers surrounding memory. Had to make one CPU “stuck”
to deal with writing to target location. Chose CPU1 since CPU0 had to service
other incoming interrupts from APIC. CPU1 endlessly page faults, goes to the
double fault handler when it runs out of stack space.
The goal was to load an unsigned driver. CPU0 does the
driver loading. They attempted to send TLB shootdowns, forcing CPU0 to wait on
the other CPUs by checking PacketBaerrier variable in its _KPCR. But, CPU1 is
in a dead spin… will never respond. But, “luckily” there was a pointer leak in
the +KPCR for any CPU, accessible from usermode. (the exploit does require a
minimum of 2 CPUS).
It is complicated, and it took the researchers more than a
month to make it work. So, they looked into the syscall handler –
KiSystemCall64. They registered in the IA32_LSTAR MSR. SYSCALL, unlike INT #,
will not immediately swap to kernel – actually made things easier. (Syscall
funcions similar to Int 3)
Another cool demo J
A lot of this was patched in May. MS was very quick to
respond, and most OSes should be patched by now. You can’t abuse SYSCALL
Lessons learned – want to make money on bug bounty? You need
a cool name and a good graphic for your vuln (pay a designer!), and don’t
forget a good soundtrack!
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