Joshua Marpet, SVP, Compliance and Managed Services CyberGRC
Zero knowledge system: A mathematical proof: zero knowledge proofs and verifiable secret sharing are vital for mutli-party secure sharing. Can be used in health care, blockchain, etc.
Can use blockchain in healthcare to exchange information across health care networks (for example between a hospital in DC and hospital in California).
How do you know you are working with an ethical party? Is the NSA ethical? What about Geek Squad? If you are building a zero knowledge system, will you be fostering bad ethics? For example, the blockchain for bitcoin contains child porn.
Think about free speech - you can talk about all things, but not necessarily incite behaviours. For example, you cannot shout fire in a theater.
So, you need a very clear Terms of Servie and Acceptable Use and a provisioning checkbox along the lines of "Will you be hosting illegal content?" Yes, they can break it - but then you will not have an ethical conundrum when law enforcement asks for that users illegal data.
Now, don't be a bad provider. Don't monitor your customer's content, be inconsistent or non responsive. Respect warrants - but use reason. Something doesn't seem right? Consult your lawyer, EFF, etc.
This Is Why We Have Photoshop
*Thanks to Lyndsay S., Heather M., LL, Gary B., & Heather for the photo
P.S. If that's why we have Photoshop, then ...
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