FIPS 140-3 Update (C13c) Michael Cooper, IT Specialist, NIST, United States
Mr. Cooper would love to give us a signature date, but... he can't. (out of his control). There are a general set of documents that point to ISO 19790 and ISO 24759, it's gone through the NIST processes (legal reviews, etc) now we are at the last stage: waiting for the secretary of commerce to sign. This is a timing thing - wheels are in motion.
The document that's going in for signing is just a wrapper document, basically pointing only to those other documents and no modifications.
Hoping that by leveraging an international standard, then this will simplify testing requirements for vendors. Already going to CC meetings to see who else is interested in this, and looking into automation for this as well.
Standardizing testing, especially across NIAP and CC, then this will help extend the adoption of the standard.
The algorithm automated testing will give us a start on automating module testing. We want to leverage ideas from around the world, academia and industry.
Question from the audience - what other country has signed up for this? So far, none, but there is interest.
Q: Does FIPS 140-3 point to a specific version of the other documents? Yes, but worded to make it easier to update to newer versions, as needed. Given more flexibility.
Q: what's going to be the sunset of FIPS 140-2? Will likely follow something similar as to what we had before, there will be documentation to guide folks. Likely a year to submit against old scheme.
Q: What about the old IGs (Implementation Guidance) documents? Will they go away? About 50% of them, the rest will need to be updated.
Q: Why are we starting with the 2012 draft, and not the 2015 draft? With the mandate to update standards every 5 years? FIPS 140-3 won't have to change, we can update what it points to. We will forever be FIPS 140-3, pointing to the 'latest' ISO standard.
Q: How often do the ISO standards get updated? Every 5 years?
This Is Why We Have Photoshop
*Thanks to Lyndsay S., Heather M., LL, Gary B., & Heather for the photo
P.S. If that's why we have Photoshop, then ...
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